WHEREAS, the Cherokee Nation since time immemorial has exercised the sovereign rights of self-government in behalf of the Cherokee people;
WHEREAS, the Cherokee Nation is a federally recognized Indian Nation with a historic and continual government to government relationship with the United States of America;
WHEREAS, the Cherokee Nation has substantial interest in promoting and supporting education and recognizes an investment in students, educators and public schools will provide an educational and skilled workforce which will make the Cherokee Nation and State of Oklahoma more prosperous; and,
WHEREAS, there are approximately 678,000 students in public schools across the state of Oklahoma; and,
WHEREAS, state appropriations to common education in Oklahoma are $230 million below pre-recession levels which has negatively impacted student academic achievement, teachers and support personnel have not had a state funded salary increase in seven years and the Oklahoma legislature continues to enact unfunded mandates that local school districts must implement without appropriate support and resources; and,
WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Education Coalition is dedicated to leading the effort to create, improve and support quality public education for all students, teachers and staff. The mission of the Oklahoma Education Coalition is to lead the effort to create, improve and support quality public education for all students; and,
WHEREAS, THE Cherokee Nation supports the Oklahoma Education Coalition as they support measures to protect the tax base of local school districts and support examination of existing and ad valorem exemptions in an effort to ensure adequate funding, accountable and equitable taxation as they call on the Oklahoma Legislature to prioritize education funding and restore per pupil funding to pre-recession levels; and, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHEROKEE NATION, that the Council of the Cherokee Nation hereby supports the goals and mission of the Oklahoma Education Coalition for the betterment of Public Education for the State of Oklahoma which is also for the betterment for Citizens of the Cherokee Nation.